Once again, mc TV proves its pioneering role in health communication. Since April 2015, the mc Group has supported the online communication of the Federal Ministry of Health. From 2016 to 2017, mc TV produced an online podcast series consisting of interview videos and animated videos, which were enthusiastically received in the social networks. The eight videos provide information on vaccination and call the viewer to make a prudent decision.
Topical issues and new public health services are visualized in other animated videos in a comprehensible and humorous way. A highlight was the production of a short information film that explains the service points for specialist appointments in a low-threshold and humorous way. For this mc TV developed a short, catchy story of a young man. The plot is presented with a wink. The animation style is simple and clear to convey the information in a non-sophisticated way. The video has been produced specifically for Facebook and Twitter. All important content is understandable without sound.
In addition, mc TV trained the social media team of the Federal Ministry of Health in using video equipment and video editing programs. Our overall goal for the framework contract is to give the team of the Federal Ministry of Health the necessary tools to be an active and impactful actor in the social media. Since November 2015, the Federal Ministry of Health has received more than 2.5 million contacts for the videos.
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